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"Lydia Spriggs" , is a highly talented 13 year old artist from the UK ! Lydia has also made an appearance on "The Voice Kids" in 2018.


"Finally looking like summer"


"Lydia Spriggs" is becoming a young star in the music industry. Even though she has yet to release any music , Lydia enjoys making videos of her talent , alongside doing cover songs from famous artist.

Lydia someday wants to be famous and known for her music. Although Lydia is only 13 , she manages to have a solid 300+ following on her social media account. Pretty impressive for her age.

We discovered Lydia through Instagram , and our crew here at 7heblogspot wanted to share Lydia's talent with the world !

We asked Lydia to answer a few questions from our "7 Spot" questionnaire , take a look what she said below:

(1.) Where are you from ? ( " I’m from the UK" )

(2.) What is your favorite sport ? ( "My favorite sport is Badminton" )

(3.) How much siblings do you have ? ( "I have 1 sibling" )

(4.) What do you plan on doing in 5 years ? ( "In 5 years I’m hoping to be chasing my dreams of becoming a worldwide recording artist" )

(5.) Are you spiritual or religious ? ( "I’m not religious or spiritual" )

(6.) What is the most difficult thing about your career path , and how will you overcome it? ( "The most difficult thing about my career path is the hate I get but I always try to use it as constructive criticism instead of hate and prove them wrong. Also it’s a lot of hard work and dedication to reach your goals but I love a challenge!" )

(7.) What is your favorite hobby ? ( "My favorite hobby is singing" )



Lydia is still fresh in the music industry , so right now she is working on her craft and trying her best to maintain a solid mind state , so that she is able to showcase her talent in the right way.

We also asked Lydia WHY she chose her career path , and here is what she replied with:

"I chose singing because when I’m older , I want to be known in the world. I want to be famous and be able to tell everyone that no matter what they’re going through , everything will be Okay , and that you can get through anything if u believe in it. I also want people to listen to my music one day; That would be just awesome. I’ve had a lot of struggles in the past , but I always try to use that emotion and put it into the songs I’m singing!"



Well that's it for this segment of 7heblogspot's "Talented Individual" Spotlight. Stay tuned for who 7heblogspot will feature next.

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"Nadege.Nightingale" , is one of the more unique artist that we have came across. "Nadege.Nightingale" , has really made a name for her self in the music industry , but she is looking to go even further.


"Nadege.Nightingale" has a voice that will make a baby not want his/her mom anymore. For her generation , "Nadege.Nightingale" stands out tremendously alongside her peers , and it shows !

Her angelic personality makes it seem as if she is already a star. She has what it takes to be a mainstream artist in no time , but there will be bumps in the road.

We asked "Nadege.Nightingale" to give us a summary of WHY she chose the career she did , and here is what she responded with:

" I’d say my career path found me. God has gifted me with the love of music. We confide in one another. We cry, laugh, & grow together. My goal is to ignite light in the dark places for those that listen to my music; and most importantly, to inspire everyone to know that they are more than capable of conquering their demons/achieving their dreams."



Sounds like she has a pretty good head on her shoulder's , can we agree ? With the confidence , knowledge , and will power that "Nadege.Nightingale" has , she will be MORE than ready to conquer ANY dream or ANY demon.

We also asked "Nadege.Nightingale" , our "7 Spot" questionnaire. Check out what she said below:


(1.) Where are you from ? ( "I am from Hollywood Florida (raised in West Palm Beach" )

(2.) What is your favorite sport ? ( "My favorite sport is Lacrosse" )

(3.) How many siblings do you have ? ( "I have three siblings (I am the eldest)" )

(4.) What do you plan on doing in 5 years ? (N/A)

(5.) Are spiritual or religious ? ( " Jesus is my Lord and Savior, God is my religion." )

(6.) What is the most difficult thing about your career path and how will you over come it ? ( " The most difficult thing about being an artist would be remaining consistent. There is so many things to say, and various inspirations arise all the time; so deciding on what to release next can get tricky (for me personally)." )

(7.) What is your favorite hobby ? ( "My favorite hobby would be songwriting/record new content." )


You can stream "Nadege.Nightingale" on almost all music platforms. Stay tuned for the next track from "Nadege.Nightingale".

Well , that's it for 7heblogspot's "Talented Individual" Spotlight. Don't forget to subscribe to our website , to be sure that you never miss a post from "7heblogspot". Who will we see on "7heblogspot" next time ? What's NEW !?


The "Nadege.Nightingale" Logo



Updated: Jul 31, 2019


"Ye.lllow" , is a young talented artist , who is aiming to continue her success in the music industry , one step at a time.



"Ye.lllow" , is slowly becoming the next big thing in the music industry. We discovered "Ye.lllow" on Instagram , and our crew has been in love with her music ever since. She is smart and has a great vision of what she wants the rest of her career to be like. Let's just say , "She get's whatever she wants".

We asked "Ye.lllow" WHY she chose her career path and what is going to make her stay motivated on her way to success. This is what she said:

"I didn’t choose my career path , God Chose it for me. Everyone has a gift and one of my strongest just happens to be music . I can’t fight it , it’s been naturally in me since birth. I started rapping in Elementary and no one knew until I was in high school. I originally was going to go to school for Fashion design in New York , but Then I found out about a music college in Atlanta. After I graduated high school , I went to a 2 year college in Florida ,  and then I left everything behind in Florida , and Transferred to SAE.

In my city, people don’t come there looking for talent. It’s a lot of love and hate in the city. A lot of people are crabs in a bucket & not a lot of hope. I’m going to show people of all ages  that you can be successful regardless of your current situation. I step out on faith. It’s possible to be successful in music , without cursing or showing skin or being sexual ."


We asked "Ye.lllow" to answer a few questions from our "7 Spot" questionnaire. Check out what she said below:

(1.) Where are you from ? ( "Fort Pierce , FL" ) (2.) What is your favorite sport ? ( "I don’t really have a favorite sport but I did want to play Football with the guys in high school." ) (3.) How much siblings do you have ? ( "2 Sisters, 1 brother & I have a lot of God-Siblings" ) (4.) What do you plan on doing in 5 years ? ( "Tours, starting up my non profit (The Yellow Foundation) , and other business ideas that are in the making." )

(5.) are you spiritual or religious ? ( "I’m spiritual" )  (6.) What's the most difficult thing about your career path and how will you overcome it ? ( "The most difficult thing is dealing with being away from family; And being that I have a good heart , I like to help people but there is a lot of people that attract to me just because of where they see I’m going or think I’m going , or because of where I’m at right now. So I’ll have a lot of people trying to  leach. How I will overcome being away from my family is always making some time here and there to be with just them. I’ve learned from experience to stand firm in my Yes and No so I won’t have a problem cutting leaches off") (7.) What is your favorite hobby ? ( "My favorite hobby is going to the studio and being around any like minded people like myself , and just freely creating from the atmosphere" )




"Ye.lllow" is going to be a star one day ! With the right dedication , she will be at the top of the music industry in no time. From actions displayed on her social media , "Ye.lllow" seems to have great comfort when being the center of attention , with almost 3'300 follower's on Instagram !

You can stream Ye.lllow's new track "Whatever" , on almost all platforms !

Well , that's it for this segment of "7heblogspot". Who knows what talent we will come across next to share with our Blog Spot family. Stay tuned and remember to sign up as a "Blog Spot Member" , so you won't miss any updates , or special offers ! What's NEW !?


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